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3rd Grade (Gimel) Class Update


Dear Kitah Gimel (3rd-grade) Families,

Thank you so much for joining us for our Hanukkah Hagigah! We loved seeing everyone spin around like dreidels, build with marshmallows, and light the candles on the hanukkiah. We hope we could add some extra light to your Hanukkah celebrations this year!

In Sofya’s class,class students started to work on the new book The New Siddur Program. We are currently studying lesson 3, which contain the following new vocabulary words:

אני, בית, ילדה, ילד, ירושלים, מלך, שלום, אבא, אמא, בית הכנסת, ישראל, כן, לא, מי? סידור, תורה, את, אתה, סבא, סבתא, פה, של

We are also working on forming the following sentences in Hebrew:

  • Who is in the house?

  • Moses is in the Torah.

  • Hello, Father.

  • I am in the synagogue.

  • Who is a king?

In Polly’s class, students learned about the history and traditions of Hanukkah. We read Hanukkah stories, sang Hanukkah songs, and wrote Hanukkah Haiku’s! We had lots of fun preparing for our Hanukkah Hagigah celebration, and loved sharing what we learned with you!

We would also like to thank you for attending parent-student-teacher conferences with us. It is so important for us to check in and discuss how we can better work together to make your student’s Talmud Torah experience a success! As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions, comments, or concerns.

We wish your family a happy and healthy New Year!


Polly & Sofya


Dear Kitah Gimel (3rd grade) Parents,

It was wonderful meeting everyone at parent-student-teacher conferences.

Kitah Gimel Hebrew: Students are successfully working with Bonny Wexler, strengthening their reading skills while reading stories, learning basic vocabulary, and learning basic grammatical rules. As their reading continues to improve, the students have made excellent progress and are now beginning more advanced reading material, practice that highlights these rules. They also study stories, learning vocabulary and applying basic grammar concepts.

Judaic Studies: In their ETGAR units, taught by Polly Lehman, the students have been learning about Hanukkah, practicing the prayers, and expressing themselves by writing “Hanukkah Haiku.” Gimel students celebrated Hanukkah together at our Kitah Gimel Hanukkah Hagigah! We made hanukkiot out of treats and played an extra special dreidel game before coming together to light all the candles on our personal family hanukkiah!


Bonny Wexler and Polly Lehman

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