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6th-Grade (Kitah Vav) Class Update

Shalom Kitah Vav (6th grade) Families!

Happy & Healthy New Year 2020/Tevet 5780

Judaics--Completing Our Kashrut Unit:

Students completed commercial presentations that represent the main ideas of their Kashrut lesson. We acted out the Treifa (not Kosher) Banquet of 1883 which defined the moment that served as the dividing point between Reform and the American Conservative Movement (the commitment to Kashrut was a large factor in initiating this distinction between the two Movements)

We created and presented our Kosher Food Truck ideas that included using the various Hekhsher/kosher food symbols.

Ivrit--Hebrew and Practice:

Please continue to practice Hebrew reading at least 20 minutes a week from a Tikkun, Siddur or other Hebrew sources.

Looking Ahead:

We are beginning a New Tefillah unit that will look at the liturgy and choreography of the Torah service which is central to your child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah. A main concept of this is Revelation. Viewing clips from the film “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and the film “10 Commandments” kickstart defining what the word Revelation means. The Torah service is “choreographed” in such a way that perpetually replicates the Jewish People’s collective experience of Revelation at Mt. Sinai.

We also are beginning to discuss Tu B’Shevat Laws and observance here, and in Israel.

Community and Attendance:

Please be present to receive the Present of Learning!!

Your Partners in Jewish Education,

Morah (Teacher) Schear

Rabbi Daniel Ettedgui

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