Kitah Vav (6th-grade) celebrate Tu B'Shvat
Shalom Kitah Vav (6th grade) Families,
Ivrit-Hebrew and Practice:
We have been chanting prayers and reading blessing for Torah Aliyot (Blessings before and after Torah readings). Please continue to practice Hebrew reading at least 20 minutes a week from a Tikkun, Siddur or other Hebrew sources.
We are continuing to study liturgy and choreography of the Torah service which is central to your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah. We spent time looking through the siddur and documented actions and responses for prayers that we will have for our lives.
Tu B'Shvat – Birthday of the Trees:
Both Vav classes joined together to celebrate and learn about Tu B'Shvat. We ate, T’marim (dates), strawberries, blueberries, clementines, cookies, crackers and more. We read from a Tu B'Shvat Seder book and watched videos from Israel relating to Tu B'Shvat between our readings and songs. We wrapped up our time together with a Kahoot information-facts game.
Prayer as a Community:
Our Vav classes will begin to have our own Community Torah prayer service. Students will lead and practice davening (praying as a community).
Your Partners in Jewish Education,
Rabbi Daniel Ettedgui
Morah (Teacher) Schear