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Kitah Gimel (3rd Grade) Class Update

Before heading into our Spring break, our Gimel classes learned about Purim! We read the Purim story, discussed the lessons it can teach us about bravery and courage, made Mishloach Manot, and watched the teachers put on a very entertaining Purim Spiel! Students brainstormed ways that they show courage like Esther's in their own lives, and why courage is important.

After the break, our classes will begin to focus on Passover. We will learn about the Passover story, the Seder, and various traditions. We will also create our own special Haggadot and Seder Plates to take home to our family Seders!

As a teaching team, we are very excited to celebrate the upcoming spring holidays with our students! We are so proud of the effort and enthusiasm our students have shown throughout the year so far, and can’t wait to see what else they will bring to class!


Polly & Dan

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