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Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Leadership Circle Sponsors
Heilicher Foundation
Platinum Sponsors
Minneapolis Jewish Federation
Nancy and Steve Schachtman
Sandy and Jason Sondell
Gold Sponsors
Baratz Family Foundation
Jeannie and Steve Gilfix
Marshall and Elaine Siegel Foundation
Silver Sponsors
Lyle and Janis Berman Family Foundation
Diana Windhorst & Spencer Chandler
Jaclyn Millner and Gregory Duhl
Linda Brody & Avram Ettedgui
Linda Gilfix
Teri and Mike Greenstein
Matthew Heilicher
Jonathan Levy and Beth Virnig
Gail and Joel Tilsner
Rabbi Aaron Weininger
Diane Weisberg
Sylvia and Jack Zouber
Dawn and Danny Zouber
Bronze Sponsors
Lisa and Glenn Aronauer
Steve & Maggie Blehert
Susan and Michael Blehert
Dale and Lois Dobrin Family Donor
   Advised Fund

Valerie and Scott Dorman
Deborah and Adam Fefferman
Jacy and Jason Grais Family Fund
Ellen and Harley Greenberg
Harriet and Dan Kohen
Cynthia Reich and Harold Kravitz
Paula and Walt Richey
Adeel Saad
Rebecca and Matthew Sanders
Alex and Mollie Tankenoff Family Foundation
Robert Warshawsky
Amy and Daniel Weiss
Randi Winston and Barry Wolfish
Jewish Community Foundation Jewish Education Scholarship Endowment Fund
Friends of Talmud Torah
Carolyn Abramson
Michael C Altschuler
Howard Ansel
Sally Appelbaum
Barbara Bach
Ruth Bachman
Gary & Sandy Baron
Sandra and Gary Baron
Mary Baumgarten
Anya and Fima Belenky
Sander Berman
Meira and Justin Besikof
Andrea and Alan Binder
Jaclyn and Michael Borofsky
Carol and Michael Bromer
Carrie and Adam Broms
Marvin Burstein
Susie Chalom
Reida Lazer-Chein
James Cohen
Anderson Corp (YourCause)
Marcia Cohodes and David Goldsteen
Elaine Duhl
Robert Edelstein
Ellen Etzkin
Linda and Abraham Ettedgui
David G. Fine
Marjorie Fink
Lucy Rose Fischer
Harvey Flom
Gloria and Harvey Friedman
Sally Friedman
Michael Frisch
Bonnie and Gary Goldish
Phillip Garon
Neil S. Goldsmith
Richard Goldstein
Allen Green
Seymour Gross

Elaine Gross
Vitaly Gutman
Shirley and Rebecca Haskovitz
Anne & Bruce Hope
Patricia Lydon and Howard Darmstadter
Renanah Halpern and Joel Green
Ellen Sue and Jon Parker
Deborah and TT Jewett
Sue Kane
Amy and Brad Kanter
Jackie and Josh Kaplan
Shirley Kaplan
Steven Kaplan
Ellen and Harvey Karch
Sonja and Robert Kass
Sarah Kaye
Risa and Steven Kessler
Murray and Linda Kieffer
Cyrile and Stephen Kieffer Fund
Michael and Sandi King
Amy and David Klaiman
Michelle Kuhl
Allen Kuperman
Missy and Joel Lavintman
Eileen Leiderman
Janet, Deborah, Mike Levinger
   and Families

Sharon P Levine
Jane and Todd Lifson
Alan Lee Linoff
Elaine Liss
Mr. and Mrs. Israel Magrisso
Heather and David Melloh
Robert and Susan Millner
Nancy Miller
Carolyn and John Mirviss
Eva and Jack Moreimi
Barry Nash
Marjorie Wasserman and Neal Gendler
Louis Newman
Charlotte and George Nudell
Allen Oleisky
Catherine O. Oskow
Carol and Gus Parpas
Carole Peterson
Eva Pomice
Lucy and Charles Quaintance
Perry Raphael Rank
Richard Reiss
Tema and Marty Rosenbaum
Russ Rubin
Andrea Ruby
Joy Sandler
Gail and Mark Satz
Claude L Schochet
Miriam Segall
Andrea and David Shapiro
Shira & Marc Shapiro
Julie and David Sherman
Miriam Dunau and Norman Sherman
Margarita and Mikhail Shifman
Marvin Sherman
Lois Siegel
Teresa and Ron Sit
June and Steve Smith
Richard Spiegel and Judith Spiegel
Lisa Stein
Eileen Strauss
Harriet and Stephen Swartz
Sandra and Michael Swirnoff
Beth El Synagogue
Sandra Teichner
Stacie and Jeff Usem
Karen Virnig
Kim & Matt Walzer
Ardis and Thomas Wexler
Sonia and Steve Winthrop
Robin and Yefet Zadaka
Jane and Ed Zeman
Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Leadership Circle Sponsors

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Platinum Sponsors

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Gold Sponsors

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Silver Sponsors

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Bronze Sponsors

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Friends of Talmud Torah

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