Family Connections
What is Family Connections?
As an initiative of the strategic plan process, in 2015, parents and board members founded the Family Connections. Family Connections' goal is to engage and inform the families we serve. Family Connections puts together social events for parents to meet one another and bond over the common goals for their children. Throughout the year, Family Connections also creates volunteer opportunities for social action and classroom involvement. In addition, the program offers Shabbatot and other social events for parents and families.
How Can I Get Involved?
Click here to read about volunteer opportunities.
Contact our Family Connections Committee Chair, Dayna Shad. She's always looking to grow the community with enthusiastic parents. Email and we'll directly connect you with Dayna.
Join our Facebook group. The Family Connections is a private Facebook group for Talmud Torah parents, RUN BY parents. The purpose of the group is to bring the Talmud Torah parent community together online. The Family Connections Committee uses this group to communicate what social, social action, and family programs are available (both formal and informal programs) for participation.
We encourage you to get Connected!