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Kitah Bet Update


Bet 1 & 3

Dear Bet Parents,

I want to begin by thanking all of you for coming to Yom Ha’Siddur Program. I am so proud of your children. They have worked hard and it was fun to come together and celebrate their accomplishments this year!

As I write this final newsletter of the school year, it is amazing to me how fast this year has gone by. It is even more amazing when I think of the wonderful accomplishments that your children have made this year in Hebrew and Judaic studies.

I am extremely proud of our students as they move from strength to strength. The students came not knowing the Hebrew letters. Now, at the end of the year, are able to read and write in Hebrew! In addition to Hebrew reading, your children have learned and embraced prayers and blessings.

Please encourage your children to read Hebrew for about 5 minutes a few times per week. They can read from their textbooks. They can also read a bit from the new Siddur they received on Yom HaSiddur. In this way, they will not forget their new skill. Research indicates that frequency rather than quantity is most important for improving reading skills. Reading, like any other skill, will improve with practice.

In addition to Hebrew, the students have learned about Judaic values, Jewish holidays, Jewish and Israeli songs and dances, and facts about the State of Israel. Best of all - our students have become a community!

I love working with your children and appreciate your support. Have a wonderful summer!

Thank you!

HaMorah Nechamit

Bet 2

Dear Bet 2 Parents,

During this school year, the Kitah Bet students have been learning to read Hebrew, as well as many other Judaic topics.

Hebrew Brachot (blessings) and songs have been an important part of our curriculum. Many of the Brachot were included in the Yom HaSiddur program, which took place on Sunday, May 5th. These Brachot primarily included some from our daily prayers as well as from Kabbalat Shabbat.

In addition, students have completed their study of the Hebrew Alef-Bet. In order to keep their knowledge and skills over the summer, look for opportunities for your child to read in Hebrew.

This year, we also have studied material about Israel, including viewing places and events as they happened using the computer. As we finish this year, we will study one more unit about Israel. In addition, we will continue to practice Hebrew reading, concentrating on letters and vowels that tend to be the most confusing.

This class of Kitah Bet students is very special. They care about learning and they care about each other. Community has been a very emphasized in every activity. In this class, every child is a Mensch!

HaMorah Etta

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