Shalom Talmud Torah Community!
As sad as I was to see the summer end, words cannot express how wonderful it feels to be back at school with your child(ren)! The first week of school was close to perfect and I loved seeing all the smiling faces in the classrooms and hallways. A few of my favorite highlights from week one include:
2 classes (40 students) of Kitah Bet (2nd grade) students being blessed under the giant tallit by Cantor Wendi Fried (Sun.) or older Talmud Torah students (Tues.)…including my own 2nd grade son
Watching new and old friends play on the playground with popsicles, and proving to the students how good I am with bad jokes written on the popsicle sticks
Losing at Shimon Omer (Simon Says) in one of the classrooms
Hearing from so many parents and students about how their first week at TT was the “best ever!”
And so much more!
Ask most students what their favorite part of TT is and the answer will very often be…SNACKS!! If you registered last school year before the Early Bird deadline, your child has a booklet of punch cards that are good for up to one snack every day of the school year. Please note that if your child buys more than one snack a day, the punch card will run out before the end of the school year. If you did not register before the deadline, your child has a few options.
They can bring their own snack to TT
They can buy snacks for $.50/snack
They can buy (a) punch card(s) for $5 a piece so they don’t need to remember to bring cash to each class session. This is the option I recommend.
This year, we are implementing a Middah (character trait) and a Mitzvah (good deed) of the month. This month, we will be talking about Kvod (Respect) as our Middah and Tshuva (repentance) as our Mitzvah. These concepts are being explored and practiced in Mifgash, in the classrooms, and in the hallways. We would love to also hear about how they are being discussed at home.
As you will see from some of the teachers’ letters below, in many classes this year, we will be exploring some different teaching methods. Many of the classes are working with flexible groupings, which will allow students to spend time with both their entire grade level and smaller groups. These groups may be formed by skill level, interest level, friends requests, or randomly assigned, and will be rotated throughout the year. Teachers will have greater flexibility in their teaching methods and instructional style and will be able to give more differentiated instruction to their students.
Also, all classes are implementing Z’man Likro (a Time to Read). This will be a dedicated time during class periods focusing directly on reading skills and more explicit reading instruction. Each grade level will implement this time in different ways and we look forward to seeing the gains our students will make!
All the signs are pointing to a fabulous year with lots of learning, new and old friendships, and huge growth for our students. As always, please never hesitate to reach out to me for any reason.
I wish you and your entire family a Shanna Tovah U’Metuka, a Happy and Sweet New Year.
Jody Moreimi
Head of School