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2nd-Grade (Kitah Bet) Class Update

Bet 1 and 2:

Dear Bet (2nd grade) Parents,

It was wonderful seeing so many people at Multi-Generations Day!


In Hebrew reading, most students are just beginning Lesson 9. As the children learn how to read more letters and vowels, they also are introduced to more vocabulary. Before starting a new lesson, the Hebrew vocabulary is introduced orally. The children enjoy this time in the classroom, as there are usually fun games and activities to reinforce the new skills and vocabulary. Right now, we are practicing the following daily blessings: Modeh Ani, La’asok b’divrei Torah, Ma Tovu. They will soon be adding the Shema and V’ahavta (one line at a time). In addition, we will continue learning blessings for Kabbalat Shabbat.

Judaic units

We are almost finished with a unit called The People of Israel. They have learned about how life in Israel is like our lives and how it is different. Our next Judaic unit will be Jewish Symbols. This will coordinate with their Hanukkah unit.

I look forward to another month of learning, growth, and community.


Morah Etta Bernstein

Bet 3 and Gimel 3 (2nd and 3rd grade):

Dear Parents,

The Bet (2nd grade) and Gimel (3rd grade) students continue to eagerly learn and grow their Judaic knowledge.


Bet students are on Lesson 8 in their textbook. Please look at the posting for Bet to see further information and suggestions for helping your child be successful.

The Gimel students have completed lessons 1 – 3 in their textbooks. They are starting lesson 4. The primary focus of each lesson is learning the prayer at the back of each lesson. In addition, they have short phonetic reading lessons for some of the more advanced skills. The students recently learned about the "av" ending, where the letter yud is totally silent. We also do a short conversational lesson using vocabulary and concepts of the lesson in the book. The class generally enjoys this time, practicing speaking Hebrew and playing reinforcement games, such as Hebrew baseball.


The focus of our ETGAR YESODI curriculum has been the Hebrew calendar and Rosh Hodesh. Why are the holidays on different days every year? Your child has learned that the Jewish calendar is linked to the Torah. It is tied to the phases of the moon and the seasons of the year. We have studied texts from the Mishnah about the celebration of Rosh Hodesh, the first day of the Hebrew month.

We will soon start learning about Hanukkah. They will learn about the customs of the holiday and celebrate a Hagigah with the other 3rd grade classes.

We look forward to another month of learning, growth, and community.


Morah Etta Bernstein

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