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2nd-Grade (Kitah Bet) Class Update

The Bet/Gimel class works on creation posters

Bet (2nd grade) Classes

The Bet (2nd grade) class recently welcomed first graders, who were visiting the class for their Taste of Talmud Torah. Many of the Bet students remembered when they visited just last year. The Bet students learned about the importance of welcoming guests. They took their role as hosts very seriously, helping the first-grade visitors and making them feel welcome.

For Tu B'Shvat, the students learned that each of us is like a fruit tree. However, our fruit consists of the Mitzvot we do. Students did an art project with small tree “cookies,” where they could see the rings of the tree. We also planted some seeds and hope to see them grow.

The students continue to learn about things important to us as Jews. Right now, we are studying the TaNaCh, the Hebrew Bible. Students have learned that the TaNaCh has three parts: the Torah, Prophets, and Writings. Upon learning about the books and the stories of the TaNaCh, one student said, “Wow! It’s like it has a whole library in it!”


HaMorah Etta

Bet/Gimel (2nd/3rd grade) Class

As part of their Hebrew reading curriculum, the students have been studying several prayers. Most of these prayers have tunes. They enjoy learning to read the prayers and then learning how to sing the prayers. In addition, they are tackling some special reading challenges, such as how to read a Shin with two dots.

After studying a special concept, the students practice reading a passage that contains what they have just learned.

The Bet/ Gimel class is learning about Shabbat. As part of this unit, students studied the days of creation, reading the story from the Torah. After examining the story, asking questions and discussing the sequence, students did an art project using tape to illustrate the Six Days of Creation, followed by Shabbat. By pairing a Judaic topic with an art project, the students continue to think about the new material.


HaMorah Etta

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