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3rd-Grade (Kitah Gimel) Class Update

Dear Kitah Gimel (3rd grade) Families,

Thank you so much for joining us for Multi-Generations Day! We had so much fun meeting your families, and loved singing and practicing our Hebrew together! It is wonderful for our students to see their families engage with what they are learning in class.

In Polly’s class, we are learning about Rosh Hodesh, or the Head of the Month. We learned the months on the Hebrew calendar, and how to use the moon determine what day in the month it is! I encourage you to ask your student what phase the moon is in, and how that relates to the calendar. We also learned a fun song about the Hebrew months, check it out here.

In Sofya’s class, our students have continues to progress with their Hebrew skills! They play games and work together in order to learn new Hebrew words and phrases. Our students loved showing off their Hebrew skills to you during Hebrew Bingo last Sunday!

We are so excited to continue our learning this month, and to come together on Sunday, December 15th for our Kitah Gimel Family Program! RSVP HERE!


Polly & Sofya

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