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3rd-Grade (Kitah Gimel) Class Update

Celebrating Purim with Kitah Gimel (3rd-grade) teachers, Polly and Sofya

Dear Kitah Gimel Families,

Wow, these last few weeks have been quite the roller coaster!

We finished up our last unit by having fun dressing up for Purim, singing songs, and noshing on hamantaschen! We also made Mishloach Manot bags to share with our community. Our class had a lot of fun putting them together, and had a great discussion about the mitzvah and why it is important to give and share with others!

Moving forward we will begin online and distance learning in order to help our community stay safe. This unplanned time away from our usual busy lives can be inconvenient, but can provide unexpected opportunities to work in new, creative ways.

You have already been receiving emails outlining special activities for our unplanned break from in-person classes. Sofya has been holding online lessons for Hebrew language. We will continue to send links for these opportunities to every Gimel student.

Polly and Etta have launched an ETGAR family project. This project includes family learning and discussion, reading and singing resources for the Hebrew texts, and detailed instructions for a creative project. We have also included an optional additional project. For this project, we have provided the lessons, the on-line resources, and suggestions for where you can purchase materials. While the activity has precise instructions, feel free to change or expand the project as you share ideas with your child.

We appreciate you making such a strong commitment to Jewish learning and community, and staying connected with us virtually. We look forward to staying connected during these challenging times. We hope you, as families, enjoy the lessons and projects!


The Kitah Gimel Team: Polly, Sofya, and Etta

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