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4th Grade (Dalet) Class Update

DALET 1 & 2

Dalet 1 and Dalet 2 (4th grade) Families,

It has been another great month together in Kitah Dalet!


We continue to enrich our Hebrew vocabularies and strengthen our Hebrew reading. We finished our topic about shorashim (word roots) and we will continue to revisit this topic as the year continues. We had a Hanukkah discussion and listened to our Story of Miracles. We learned new Hebrew words regarding the Beit Hamikdash (Temple) and the Miracle of Hanukkah. We played a Hanukkah Hebrew Trivia game in teams.

Etgar Yesodi:

We selected a good thing that happened to our Matriarchs and Patriarchs that we wish to be blessed with. Then we used symbols and images to illustrate the blessing for a rough draft of our personal blessings in our journals. We are beginning to interview our eldest relatives to learn about our relatives that we wish to remember. How do we remember those who are no longer physically with us? Who will you interview and who will you learn about? What will you ask? (Name, Birthday, Special Stories, Schooling, Toys, etc.) Happy Hanukkah! Keep that light burning!


“Don’t Let the Light Go Out!” Peter Paul and Mary helped us through song to remember this message of peace and hope. Our students are the light to keep our traditions going. We read, sang, discussed the meanings of the Hanukkah blessings in both Hebrew and English.


Please continue to help students be prepared to fully participate in class, by having their textbooks, journals, handwriting books, sharpened pencils, markers, and any other necessary materials out and with them prior to the beginning of each class. Also, IT IS CRUCIAL that they stay online WITH THEIR CAMERAS ON for the entire time to ensure they’re able to fully benefit from the curriculum.


It was great to meet with many of you virtually to get to know you and your families better, and to reinforce and celebrate your children’s learning.

We wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year and Winter Break!

Shalom and Blessings, Noa and Morah Schear


Dear Dalet 3 (4th-grade) Parents,

It was a pleasure seeing so many of you at our recent parent-student-teacher conferences. I hope that you and your families enjoyed a wonderful Hanukkah together.

After completing our unit on Shabbat I asked my students if Thanksgiving was a Jewish holiday. We decided that it was indeed very Jewish without being a Jewish holiday per se. Gratitude and giving thanks is one of our paramount Jewish values and we need to take every opportunity to express our gratitude.

We have been spending a lot of our time learning about Hanukkah, especially its relevance to us today. Although Hanukkah is not considered one of our major holidays, it’s message reflects the core of our being Jewish. It brings up the question of how important our Judaism is to us.

In our study of Torah we spoke about the importance of our choices, related to Adam and Eve. “Am I my brother’s keeper,” was our focus as we learned about Cain and Abel. When learning about Noah we spoke about what it means to “walk with God” and how we interpret that Noah was “righteous in his generation.”

I wish you and your families an enjoyable winter break and a Happy New Year. It continues to be a joy working with your children!


Mary Baumgarten

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