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7th-Grade (Kitah Zayin) Class Update

Zayin 1:

Dear Kitah Zayin (7th grade) 1 Parents,

I am pleased to share with you what we have been learning:


  • Completed our study of “Bikur Holim”, vising the sick

  • Learned about the mitzvah of “Shmirat Habriut,” taking care of one’s health, being one’s own best friend. Maimonides has a lot to say about this topic.

  • Participated in a Jewish values game on our 2nd visit to Sholom Home. It’s great watching the kids interact with the residents.

American Jewish History

  • Sharing of family origins. Where did ancestors come from? When? Why?

  • Challenges that immigrants face

  • 1st Jews in America- (1654). We answered the questions: When, why, how, what and who.

  • Differences between 1st American immigrants and the pilgrims

  • What did immigrants do to maintain their Judaism?

It continues to be a pleasure and privilege to work with your children!


Zayin 2:

Left: Hazzan Dulkin presents a Torah cover made for the Tree of Life Synagogue

Right: Students create a list of harmful behaviors for teens to engage in.

Dear Zayin (7th grade) 2 Parents,

We are pleased to share with you a brief synopsis of what we have been learning.

Hot Topics

  • Euthanasia and medically assisted suicide

  • Why is “giving” good?”

  • Harmful teen behaviors

In all our discussions we consistently looked at Jewish perspectives and reviewed Jewish sources, including classical Jewish texts as well as contemporary writings. Students are very interested and engaged in our discussions and are eager to share their opinions and points of view.

In addition, our Zayin 2 class continues to explore Judaism and technology. We have begun a unit exploring what Jewish values are embedded in the everyday experiences described in newspapers. Students become Jewish value detectives as they search for embodiments or violations of three core Jewish values of kavod...honor and dignity...shemirat halashon thoughtful and careful human speech...and yedidut and friendship.

We also have begun to explore the social media site awkwardfamilyphotos. The question always is “To Post?” or “Not to Post?” if I were the person in the photo. The same Jewish values used in our newspaper exploration are layered into this process to see if viewing the photo through the lens of this Jewish values shifts their decision.


Rabbi Jeff and Mary

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