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8th-Grade (Kitah Het) Class Update


Kitah Het (8th grade) has had a powerful start to the year. Beginning with our timeline learning of the Holocaust, we dove right into the history behind anti-semitism and learned about the effect “being different” has on Jews since biblical times. Students were surprised to learn that anti-Semitism had anything to do with pagan beliefs or the Middle Ages.

Part of Kitah Het is the student choice units we cover throughout the year. Students brainstorm what topics they individually and then as a class, would like to dive into during 8th grade. Some of these topics are things they have studied briefly before, or topics they decide to learn about now that they are living as Jewish adults in the community. This year’s class has brainstormed some great topics including Jews in Comedy, Israeli Feminists and Equal Rights in Israel, Jews in Sports, Jewish Food, and more!

In October the class will continue to be visiting and learning in the Holocaust resource center located at the JCC. Many of the students experience this special space at the JCC for the first time in Kitah Het. Talking about Hitler’s Rise to power in a space with a Nazi uniform and photos from the war on display makes our studies very real. If you would like to see the Holocaust resource room, reach out to me and we can find a time to go together.

Now that we have our year under way I am excited as ever to learn with my students. If you ever want to know more, please just ask.

See you at TT,


P.S. The Kitah Het Washington DC trip will be April 26-28, 2020 -- we are looking forward to a wonderful three days of touring!

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