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8th-Grade (Kitah Het) Class Update

Kitah Het (8th-grade) had the chance to make hummus as a class virtually via Zoom.

Shalom Kitah Het (8th-grade) Families and TT Community:

As we are dealing with all going on in the world, our learning in Kitah Het continues. Using Israel Link, our learning that started this month in the classroom will continue at home. Our Het class will continue to use Israel Link, we will do some Zoom class time and some independent learning. Our class system is that if students are not able to be in class, they just send me a message on our class WhatsApp chat and I send them the lesson information. This system will continue as long as we are engaged in our e-learning. Israel Link offers articles to read, videos to watch, and students can complete their work by using their phones, computers, and/or tablets.

We are in the midst of our food unit, which is one of the Het electives this year. In class we watched West Bank Story--a short film all about hummus--but really so much more, combining the class-choice part of 8th grade with Jewish Comedy, Food, and Politics all into one.

These few weeks between Purim and Passover are a time to clean and prepare for remembering our history of leaving Egypt. This year, with COVID-19, cleaning seems like an even better idea.

Our class DC trip is scheduled for April 26-28. I have already shared with the students that if our trip is not able to happen during those scheduled dates, we will still have a trip--just at a different time. I want them all to know that our intention is to go to DC as a class! With so many things being canceled, TT is still committed to the importance of the DC trip happening, even though it may be postponed.

Be well,


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