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Dalet (4th Grade) Classrooms

Ann Hunegs (Sun/Wed) & Debby Litman (Sun/Wed):

Ann Hunegs
Debby Litman

The Dalet students have been learning about the traditions celebrated during the fall holidays; Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah. A visit to the campus Sukkah provided an opportunity to also learn about the lulav and etrog; the meaning and symbolism around shaking the lulav in each direction.

The “round robin” greeting to start each Hebrew class reinforces Hebrew vocabulary and introductory Hebrew conversation. Students are learning how to ask, “how are you?” and appropriate ways to respond. We continue to work on both Hebrew vocabulary and reading using stories and picture captions in the Dalet books. Writing Hebrew words from the texts reinforces the new vocabulary in each lesson.

I wish each family an upcoming year of all that is bright and beautiful!

Mary Baumgarten (Tue/Thur):

Mary Baumgarten

Dear Dalet 3 Families,

I hope that you enjoyed our fall holidays.

In our study of Hebrew, we have been spending time on reading practice, acquiring new Hebrew vocabulary, verbs in the present tense, prepositions and suffixes. We are also focusing on common prayer vocabulary and phrases.

Reciting brachot (blessings) shows our ongoing gratitude to God. Dalet 3 students have been learning brachot for a variety of foods. They got to taste some during the process!

We have also been spending our time familiarizing ourselves with the Jewish calendar for the month of Tishrei. My goal is to have students understand the reasons for celebrating each of our holidays as well as their relevance to us today.

This group has particularly enjoyed the learning games that we play at the end of each session.

It is a pleasure for me to be working with your children.



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