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Gimel (3rd Grade) Classrooms

Polly Lehman (Sun/Wed):

Polly Lehman

Dear Kitah Gimel families,

I hope you all had a meaningful High Holiday season and a fun MEA weekend. I’m excited to see our Kitah Gimel community again after our many days off for the holidays!

We’ve had a great kick off to our year together, building a tighter-knit community through engaging activities each day. After checking in on one another and answering some fun would-you-rather questions, our first lesson in class is Hebrew. Over the past few weeks we’ve reviewed and learned new Hebrew letters and vowels, with our new favorite way to practice being making letter shapes with playdough! As we progress throughout the year, we will move into a variety of reading and writing books, culminating in the book The New Siddur Program, Volume 1.

After a lively snack break, we enjoy the second half of class focusing on Judaics. Our Kitah Gimel curriculum focuses on the Jewish Holidays and their history, traditions, and significance to our culture. So far we’ve learned about Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, reflecting on how we can improve ourselves in the year ahead and practicing the calls of the shofar. In our Sukkot unit we began by visiting the JCC’s sukkah and learning to shake the lulav and etrog, and in the next few classes we will dive deeper into what makes a Sukkah a Sukkah, and the rules to building one of your own!

Thank you so much for supporting your student in making an intentional commitment to Jewish life. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, or stories you wish to share. I look forward to connecting with you!



Mary Baumgarten (Tue/Thur):

Mary Baumgarten

Dear Gimel 2 Families,

I hope that you enjoyed our fall holidays.

We have been spending our time familiarizing ourselves with the Jewish calendar for the month of Tishrei. My goal is to have students understand the reasons for celebrating each of these holidays as well as their relevance to us today.

This group has particularly enjoyed the learning games that we play at the end of each session.

It is a pleasure for me to be working with your children.



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