BET 1 and 3
Dear Bet 1 and Bet 3 Parents,
Shabbat Shalom and Happy Purim.
Our year continues to fly by and I am pleased to share with you what we have been doing in recent weeks.
Hebrew reading
We learned to read and write the letters: Zayin, Het and Final Tzadi at the end of a word. The new vowels we covered are“oo”, shuruk and kubuts has the sound of “oo” as in ‘boo”, “o” and “ach”. My students have been evaluated on Units 14 and 15. The next letters will be Chaf and Final Chaf. We also learned more vocabulary that goes along with the new letters. I am very pleased with the progress and retention the students have maintained.
We are in the midst of studying and celebrating Purim. We studied the story of the Megillah and the Purim characters. We discussed the Mitzvot associated with the holiday, the miracle of Judaism’s survival and tolerance towards others. We studied that it is important to show or tell people that we care about them, even though they may already know it. We discussed how we are responsible for helping the poor and that all people should be able to celebrate. We watched Purim videos which enriched our holiday celebration. We fulfilled the Mitzvah of Mishloach Manot (sending gifts) in class, did art projects and complete fun Purim worksheets.
We are continuing to learn some of the prayers like: Shema, Mah Tovu L’asok, Lechu Neranena, Shalom Aleichem and Lecha Dodi.
Thank you for your continued support monitoring your child's homework. The reinforcement of reading skills is an asset to their learning outcome. Thank you for the privilege of working with your children. I am very proud of my Bet classes.
Hamorah Nechamit
Dear Bet 2 Parents,
We have been busy learning more letters and vowels. The students have learned all of the letters, most of the vowels, and will now concentrate on learning the reading rules. Armed with these tools, the students will be able to sound out almost any Hebrew word.
As we approach Spring Break and Pesach Break, continued reading practice will be important. Without practice, they may forget and will need to relearn the skills.
We have also continued learning daily blessings and Shabbat blessings. Students are working to learn more and improve their prayer skills. They will have the opportunity to demonstrate these skills at their Yom HaSiddur Program on Sunday morning, May 5th. Please save the date for that very special day!
The Purim holiday has provided time to have fun while learning about the story of Esther and about the Mitzvot of gift giving and sharing.
HaMorah Etta