Dear Dalet 1 and Dalet 2 Families,
Your child has either finished or is wrapping up Unit 3 of the Etgar Yesodi (Fundamental Challenge) curriculum. The unit covers blessings and included personal blessings in relation to the things for which we are grateful. In addition to taking a close look at Birkhot Hashahar (our traditional early morning blessings), we also discussed how to use blessings and other methods to respond to both good and challenging times.
As you know, we planned a family program to share our progress in the unit with you. As a reminder, the Attitude of Gratitude program has been rescheduled for Sunday morning, April 14th. Students should arrive at their usual time of 9 am for Mifgash, and parents and/or other family members are invited to join us in the East Commons at 9:45 am. We will begin with breakfast treats, a gallery of our work, followed by an inspiring discussion and a special art creation for your home. We look forward to learning together and sharing our expressions of gratitude and blessings.
We are continuing to ask and answer questions in Hebrew. How old are you? What is your phone number? Where do you live? Etc. The Dalet classes also presented skits to each other in Hebrew and in English based on our Hebrew story ”Where is the Tallis?” We learned about and discuss each Sunday a special area in Israel: the Judean Desert, Masada and the Dead Sea, Negev, and Haifa have all been part of our studied destinations. It’s wonderful to have Israel experts in our class that enhance our discussions with stories of their recent Israel visits.
We will be beginning our new Hebrew story “Baruch Adonai Borei Et Ha Kol!” (“Blessedkk is G-d who blesses Everything!”) Amen!
Happy, Healthy, Fun, Warmer Purim!
Elana, Avi and Morah Schear
Photos above:
Dalet 1 & 2 acting out our “Where is the Tallis” skit Our 100 blessing messages chain link
Video taping our Memorial Zichronot