Dear Kitah Dalet parents,
Happy Tu B’Shvat (Birthday of the Trees) Our students are truly becoming a community of learners as we celebrate holidays, Israel and more.... As we continue to experience Zikaron (Remembrances), My Roots and My Memories through a Jewish lens, we participated in many learning activities from our Etgar Yesodi (Challenge) Core Curriculum. Hebrew Text the New Siddur Program, Hebrew Books, and readers from Israel also enhances our program. Some of our Talmud Torah experiences these past months have included:
Passing Down Family Stories
Creating and artistic depiction of Birkat Banim Uvanot (Blessings of our Sons and Daughters) that highlight the blessings from the lives of the Avot (patriarchs) and Imahot (matriarchs) that we would like to receive.
Shema, the most important statement of Jewish belief
Knowing the root of a Hebrew word helps us recognize many words that belong to that word family.
Reading practice and more reading practice
Dalet 2
Students interviewed their family members and compiled their stories into comic strips.This was a unique opportunity to get students to speak to those who may not be in their immediate family circles, and learn more from them and about them.
Dalet 1
Students watched part of a live award ceremony as Jay Fiedler (Morah Schear’s Brother in Law and former NFL QB) received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Jewish Sports Heritage Association and Temple Israel of Lawrence on January 6th.
Thank you to our families that brought back treats, books and amazing stories from their recent family visits from Israel. Amazing!!!!
Please continue to read lesson updates regarding specific lessons and activities of the day on RenWeb
Feel free to send additional healthy snacks with your child which may include fruits and vegetables especially on Wednesdays after a long day at school.
Morah Schear and Avi