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Kitah Gimel (3rd Grade) Class Update

Dear Gimel 1 and Gimel 2 Parents,

Since the January blog post, Gimel classes have been at work on Hebrew, Etgar Yesodi, and Jewish holiday curricula.

Students spend approximately one-third of each class reading and writing in Hebrew - prayers, vocabulary, or short stories. Students practice reading aloud and are becoming more proficient at translating simple stories in our textbooks. It is fulfilling to see their excitement for learning Hebrew.

The holiday of Tu B'Shvat - known as the New Year for Trees - was observed on January 20/21, and oue Talmud Torah students learned more about the holiday during the previous week. They reflected upon the environmental significance of celebrating trees, especially that trees that are planted "today" will serve us and, G-d-willing, our kids, grandchildren, and future generations with shade, peace, food, and clean air.

Of course, many students came to class on Wednesday, February 13th excited about observing the cultural romantic holiday that falls on February 14th. At Talmud Torah, our Gimel classes learned a little bit about the celebratory romantic observance on the Jewish Calendar, Tu B'Av, which falls usually in late July or early August, just five days following the solemn observance of Tisha B'Av. Tu b'Av has origins going back 3,000 years!

Personally, I (Danny) would like to thank 3rd grade parents and students for their thoughts and prayers during my family crisis in late January. I am grateful and humbled by everyone who offered moral support. The entire family is happy that Andrew was safe and is back in the Twin Cities.

Moreh Danny and Morah Polly

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