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Shirah Ivrit at Talmud Torah

Dear Parents,

I would like to give you a glance at how the Hebrew Music Class operates at the Talmud Torah.

The program is based on the Jewish yearly cycle that includes all the Jewish holidays, selected prayers and blessing, days of remembrance, and celebrates the heroes of Israel of all times - biblical and current.

Each lesson is based on the following steps:

  1. Review songs previously learned in class.

  2. Display the new song or prayer.

  3. Brief introduction to the historical background of the song/prayer.

  4. Focus on key words while reading the song with correct pronunciation. Presentation of the content and message of the song/prayer while it is projected on the Smart Board.

  5. Next, we utilize the students energy towards Folk dances and rythmic movements. We also use various percussion instruments to create a strong rhythm to show the emotional depth of the song/prayer.

  6. In order to create more of a bond between the students and the songs/prayers, I choose selected videos of Israeli singers and similar-aged Israeli children singing the selected songs.

  7. Depending on the song, I play a different instrument (Cello, Piano, Drum, Accordion). This piques students interest, as well as gives a unique flavor to the the song/prayer. The current curriculum is woven into the music class, to give the students a sense of continuity and connectedness of their learning.  

Below is a list of the songs and prayers that have been taught this year. Due to our people coming from all across the world, our music reflects a variety of melodies written in many lands of dispersion, as well as in Israel. The joy and connection to Israel that we demonstrate constantly when  we sing these songs truly uplifts and warms my, and the students, hearts and souls.

Yefet Zadaka Music & Judaics Teacher

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