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Updates from Our Head of School

Dear Talmud Torah Families,

As another summer approaches, I want to thank you for your partnership as I complete my first academic year as Talmud Torah’s Head of School. Together, we have worked to provide an outstanding and creative environment where your students experience community while acquiring the tools for intentional Jewish living.

A great deal of your children’s success is due to our amazing teaching staff, who bring their enthusiasm, passion, and educational expertise to their classrooms each and every day. From our remarkable legacy teachers (who have inspired generations of students), to our newest staff members (who connect our past with our future), each one of our teachers is committed to their students’ intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth.

This month, I want to bring your attention to Polly Lehman, one of our extraordinary Talmud Torah Kitah Gimel teachers, who has just recently been recognized by the Hillel university community for her commitment to Jewish life, learning and Israel. She is this year’s proud recipient of the Rabbi Louis Milgrom Memorial Leadership Award, given to one individual each year at the University of Minnesota who embodies Hillel’s educational mission. Polly is just one example of our remarkable Talmud Torah teaching staff, each of whom who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk of Jewish life, engaging our students with their infectious exuberance for being and living Jewish.

I know you will join me in wishing Polly a hearty Mazal Tov for this highly regarded achievement. But I also want to extend a Mazal Tov to each and every one of you, for helping us create and support an environment where our children can engage with quality educators while connecting them with ongoing Jewish experiences that bring meaning and richness to their lives.

As a reminder, registration is now open for the 2019-2020 academic year. For your convenience, we have completely transformed and simplified our registration process by putting it all online. Whether you are enrolling a new student or your returning student, you will find everything you need to know about registering by clicking here. And, as an added incentive, every family who completes their registration before June 1 will receive FREE snacks for every day of the 2019-2020 school year (one snack per school day for each student you register), as well as the ability to pay the full tuition amount via PayPal without incurring a 3% online processing fee.

Together, may we continue to go mi-chayil el chayil, from strength to strength as we celebrate 125 years of educational excellence at Talmud Torah!!


Hazzan Jeremy Lipton

Head of School

P.S. If you know of other families who may be interested in joining our community, please share this registration link.

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