Dear TT Family,
I hope that this summer has offered you many opportunities to re-charge and re-new, even in the face of recommended social-distancing. I know that we are all eagerly looking forward to a time when these temporary challenges are a thing of the past, and perhaps even hope that it might be as soon as this fall when school is scheduled to resume on Sunday, September 13th!
How do we process the many unanswered questions about how to best preserve the health and safety of our students, families, and friends while still trying to create a sense of “normal” in our lives? Who could have imagined when we instituted our successful distance learning plan (four months ago!) that we would still be creating new learning options that will best provide ongoing content, continuity, and community?
Although we don’t have a wealth of new information to share, we do want to assure you that we are still planning for several scenarios in the new school year that will educate, engage, and meet our high expectations for excellence in teaching and learning. We are optimistic about this coming year and excited to be thinking in new ways about how our community of learners extends far beyond the walls of our physical space. Be it in person, virtually, or some combination of the two, Talmud Torah will be resuming as scheduled this fall within guidelines from state and local authorities, as well as CDC recommendations for gatherings and events. Our faculty and staff are looking forward to teaching your children. Our calendar is set, our programs are planned, and we want your family to be a part of it all!
As always, health and safety will remain our highest priority. When additional information is available, and as guidelines provide a clearer path to reopening our doors, we will communicate that information to you. Registration will continue throughout the summer on a first-received basis, with applications for Financial Aid still possible through the end of this month. Late registrations do make it difficult for us to accommodate friend requests, and late Financial Aid applications will further limit the possibility of timely consideration. If you haven’t done so already, you can complete our easy online registration HERE.
We are here for you!
Hazzan Jeremy Lipton
Head of School, Talmud Torah of Minneapolis