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Welcome from Our Head of School

Welcome to the new academic year at Talmud Torah! From my vantage point as Head of School, I have been delighted to see the amazing enthusiasm of our students, the energetic commitment of our parents and other family members, and the tireless passion and unswerving devotion of our faculty and staff during these first three weeks together at school.

As you will discover by reading the blog entries and reflections of our teachers, the over-arching goal of our multi-faceted, experiential curriculum is to give our students and their families the life-long tools for living intentionally Jewish lives. This objective infuses and informs each and every encounter, lesson, and experience that we create, both in and out of the classroom. It elevates all of us from the realm of simply receiving information to a place of applying and translating that knowledge into action. Together, it allows us to not only “talk the talk” but also “walk the walk” of being Jewish in a predominantly secular world.

One of the changes that you may have already noticed this year in our Kitah Gimel (3rd grade) through Kitah Zayin (7th grade) classes is that many of our teachers will focus on particular elements within our curriculum. This means, for example, that students within a grade may be exposed to one teacher for Hebrew and Israel, and another for their study of Judaics and Holidays. This will allow students to engage in a wider variety of focused experiences, and enhances our faculty’s ability to individually track students’ personal growth within their curricular areas. I am optimistic that this will be a game-changer for what and how our students learn at Talmud Torah!

With Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and the rest of the chaggim on the immediate horizon, I wish you all a healthy, happy and fulfilling 5780. May you and your family experience the best of what our tradition has to offer us in the coming year!!

Shanah Tovah Um’tukah,

Hazzan Jeremy Lipton

Head of School

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