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3rd Grade (Gimel) Class Update


Updated: Mar 25, 2021

Dear Kitah Gimel 1 & 2 (3rd-grade) Families,

We can’t believe it’s already spring! Now that we can feel the warmer weather approaching we are looking forward to the growth and renewal that comes with this time of year. And while some of our Passover Seders are in person and others are held virtually, we hope your family will find a fresh start and new hope during Pesach this year!

In Sofya’s class we have discovered a really fun way to integrate Hebrew with online games. Wordwall is an engaging and unique tool to learn and review Hebrew vocabulary. We have practiced the Hebrew alphabet (both block and lowercase letters) in addition to spotlighting parts of the body and colors. Students are really excited to play these Hebrew games! During our next class we will employ new games that utilize Pesach vocabulary.

In Polly’s class, students explored many different aspects of Passover. We talked about Freedom, and what we feel we are free and not free to do in our lives and how we are grateful for the freedoms we have. We read and asked questions about the Passover story, learned about the symbols on the Seder plate, sang the Four Questions, and even set our own virtual Passover Seder table! Looking forward, we will begin our Israel unit, observing and celebrating Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut together.

While we will miss having class with our students over the next two weeks, we hope your family is staying safe and finding creative ways to enjoy the new warm weather, and wish you a Chag Kasher V’Sameach -- A Sweet Pesach!


Polly & Sofya

Gimel 3 (3rd-grade)

Our Gimel 3 students have been practicing Hebrew reading using selections from the Haggadah. In the process, they had the opportunity to discuss, ask questions, and learn new meanings behind what is done at the Seder.

Polly’s class has discussed the meaning of freedom by exploring some freedom dilemmas and asking “What would you do?” This was followed by studying the Exodus story and connecting it to the theme of freedom. Students talked about their Seders, and made comparisons of how each family celebrates the holiday.


Polly & Bonny

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