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3rd Grade (Gimel) Class Update

Dear Kitah Gimel (3rd-grade) Families,

We hope you all had a peaceful and restful Pesach break! We loved hearing stories about where each family hid and found the afikoman, and are excited to continue learning together.

In Sofya’s class we found another new, fun way to enhance our Hebrew language learning. Hebrew. In the last few weeks, we have been practicing our upper and lowercase letters, colors, and body parts. We have been utilizing the program Wordwall to engage with Hebrew through learning games. It’s amazing to see the continued progress from the students in both their reading and recognizing the vocabulary. Here are links to some of the games so students have them available to play in their free time from home:

In Polly’s class we are diving into our last unit of the year--Israel! We kicked-off the unit by learning about Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial Day) and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day). We talked about the IDF, Har Herzl, the Yom HaZikaron sirens, and Ben-Gurion’s famous speech in May, 1948 declaring Israel’s independence. As we learned about each of these topics, students wrote down questions to ask our very own Hamorah Sofya! At the end of class Sofya shared her own experience with us of growing up in Haifa and serving in the IDF. We are so lucky to have her!

It’s amazing to see the growth each one of our students has made since the beginning of the year. We are so proud of them and are excited to finish the year strong!


Polly & Sofya

Gimel 3

Dear Kitah Gimel (3rd-grade) Parents,

We hope you all had a peaceful and restful Pesach break! We loved hearing stories about where each family hid and found the afikoman, and are excited to continue learning together.

In Bonny’s group, the students are finishing their textbook, New Siddur Program, volume 1. Students are also working on reading skills in the textbook, Workbook for Hebrew Through Prayer.

In Polly’s class, students have started their unit about Israel. Students started learning about the IDF, Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzma’ut.

It’s amazing to see the growth each one of our students has made since the beginning of the year. We are so proud of them and are excited to finish the year strong!


The Gimel Team

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